
Google Maps Announces New Update

With the new update for Google Maps, a new feature is planned to be rolled out. In the future, users will be informed about which COVID-19 measures are required and where. In addition, the update will also inform them of how full stores, museums, or offices are. The update will show the capacity at certain times of the day.

Google announced the new update via Twitter. The new features will be especially helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic and will offer cautious visitors the option to inform themselves ahead of time about the current conditions at a location. For example, Google Maps will display the information “not busy”, “busier than usual” or “as busy as it gets”. Users can then decide whether it is personally worth their time to go, or whether they should wait to visit a store, office, or museum.

In addition, the new update will contribute information about protective measures available on site. Among other things, users will be informed about the regulations they can expect at their destination, for example, whether masks are mandatory or whether they have to undergo a temperature check. Users will also be informed whether they need to make a reservation before going out to eat at a restaurant.

The update can be used by users for better planning and preparation. However, it is not yet clear when the update will be available in Germany.

November 17, 2020