Introduction to search engine optimization

Introduction to search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, refers to techniques that guide visitors to a website. The goal of every website owner is to be as far ahead and as high up as possible in the search results of a search engine. The higher up a web page appears in search results, the more popular it is with users. Users view and click on pages at the top of the search results. As a rule, one speaks here of four significant levels in search engine optimization: technical SEO, content SEO, search engine marketing, and link building.

For a page to be easily readable, the URL structure must be partially improved, and texts, images, and other media content must be inserted or adapted. The aim is to provide users with the best possible view of a website and not to make it difficult for the website to be indexed. Technical SEO takes care of this level of search engine optimization.

The content SEO summarizes everything on the subject of keywords and keyword analysis. Texts, for example, are aligned according to keywords, so these fall relatively often in the text or are included in the URL, images, and other media content.

Search engine marketing involves placing ads in search engines. Companies create campaigns to direct users to their landing pages when their keywords match precisely.

Link building is additionally crucial for a smooth process. External links, for instance, connect several landing pages that cross-link related terms and the thematic environment.

These four levels form the basic framework of SEO and make it possible for websites with a good SEO strategy to reap their deserved clicks and thus catapult further up the search engine rankings.