
Google Rolls Out New Design for Mobile Searches

In the next few days, Google’s mobile search function redesign will be made live to users. Overall, the new design represents a “scaling-back”, but will do so without losing the “Google vibe”. It will be easier for users to find information, for example, with the help of bigger headlines and matching color accents.

On her blog “The Keyword”, Aileen Cheng recently explained what the innovations in Google’s design are all about. The redesign was not that easy to implement because many factors had to be taken into account. This was due, for example, to the fact that Google offers many different content elements. Cheng put together a summary of five aspects that played a role in the redesign. First and foremost is the so-called “Google vibe”, i.e. everything that is associated with Google’s design, especially round shapes in its design, as seen in their logo. Round shapes can thus still be found in their images and icons.

Google also saw the relay of information as an important aspect of the redesign, which should now receive even more attention, and in this case even more than the design elements themselves. For this purpose, particular emphasis was placed on information provided by SERPs during development.

As already briefly mentioned, the size of the fonts and titles was also changed. Titles and results now have a larger font. In addition, Google’s own font is now increasingly used in other areas within the search engine. The goal was to create more uniformity.

Visually, many aspects regarding the display of search results have also been optimized. For example, shadows in the SERPs have been minimized, and search results are now presented right next to each other, edge-to-edge.

Finally, color accents have also been placed precisely where they are needed. So from now on, images and content will be placed on top of backgrounds that are as minimalist as possible, so that the color chosen is not distracting, and the eye is not “overwhelmed”.

February 26, 2021