The new Google update is said to be one of the “biggest leaps in the history of search,” according to this search engine king. “BERT” is the name of the new update, which is intended to provide even better results for each search. BERT actually stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. The term comes from computational linguistics. What distinguishes this update from Google’s previous versions is that the context of each word is now included by the search engine, which leads to a better understanding of user search, thus providing them with relevant information. This update was already published in the USA in October 2018. Gradually, however, the update should be functional not only in English, but also in 72 other languages. However, the update is not expected to significantly impact search. In the USA, the BERT update affected just ten percent of search queries.
The changes remain rather insignificant for SEO experts as well. However, BERT could have an impact on the traffic of some websites. SEO experts estimate this change to be not all that “harmful”. The traffic that is lost would not have led to conversions before the update anyway. Marketing scientists, including Pete Meyers, also assume that BERT will not bring about any major changes in traffic.