Google recently announced that the core update will be rolled out before the end of the year, so in December. It consists mainly of algorithmic improvements of the search engine. Again and again, this giant carries out updates that are meant to improve the assessment and performance of websites. So far, Google has always communicated major updates on its Twitter profile.
The update surprised experts this time since no one expected major changes to be made before the end of the year. The last updates that Google had announced were made in January and May.
However, updates always require preparation by webmasters. Google always references one of their blog posts to aid in this, explaining and informing webmasters about algorithmic changes after updates. This is necessary because updates do not always pass by problem-free for webmasters.
On the whole, however, the updates don’t have that much to do with the websites themselves. As already mentioned, the main focus is on improving the algorithm. The idea is that users are shown better and better search results, but to achieve this, the algorithms first have to be brought to the point where they can differentiate between websites according to their relevance for a search query. Among other things, it comes down to whether the headline or the page title summarizes the content of the page well without attracting users via clickbait headlines. In Google’s guidelines, the concepts behind a quality ranking are explained in more detail.
It should take until mid-December for the update to be completed, according to Google. We are curious about the new features of the update and will revisit this topic at a future time.