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How to Create Good Content

SEO texts are an important component for (and often responsible for) a good ranking among search results – if they are assembled correctly. If you don’t know much about the term “SEO texts”, you might be better off researching “search engine optimized texts” first. As the name suggests, there are quite a few functions and characteristics that play a role in how well content is read by Google since rankings also depend on this, and Google bots then give a green, yellow or red light depending on this assessment.

In principle, the type of content is not of much interest to Google. The correct use of keywords, for example, plays a more important role. It’s important that the keywords that are selected and considered important are used within the content as well as in the headings. Excessive use of these keywords should also be avoided, as the text should still have value to the user and be easy to read. By using the keywords in the header, customers know right away what it is about and whether they will find the answer to their search here.

The “keyword density” describes the relative frequency with which a keyword appears in relation to the rest of the content. The newer alternative to keyword density is a mathematical formula. WDF*IDF indicates how your texts behave in comparison to other texts on the same topic or keywords. The formula also shows other keywords and the ratio of these. Tools such as adopt this formula for their own content.

Incorporating keywords correctly into your texts is not that difficult. An intentional writing style is important. Important keywords should be mentioned in all text sections and, where appropriate, also in the header. Synonyms of the keyword are also allowed. Furthermore, using “bold” formatting is helpful since these are helpful not only to the user to read but also to bots.

Images also break up the content, and its caption can also be used for certain keywords. File names should also contain important keywords.

Regarding content structure, not too much needs to be taken into consideration. Main headings should have a high priority and should be marked as such. Other headings must of course also stand out, but should not encroach on the size of the main heading. The structure should also not lack meaningful paragraphs. These make it easier for the user to read, and they also stretch out the content a bit more.

November 29, 2019