Das sind die Social Trends 2020

Social Trends of 2020

While social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn are becoming increasingly popular and enjoying rapid growth in new users, the question arises as to what new trends the social networks will surprise us with this year. The fact is, if you know about the latest trends early enough, you can use them for you and your own business.

Our gadgets have long since ceased to be toys for us, but are rather useful support in everyday life now. To fulfill various needs, we reach for our smartphone quite often throughout the day, for example, to find out where we want to go on our lunch break, whether the train is late again, what we need to paint a wall right, and where we can order our new shoes in the quickest, cheapest, and easiest way. This consumer behavior, where the customer reaches for his smartphone to fulfill a need, is called a “micro-moment” in the tech world. It is estimated that users have around 150 micro-moments every day. Four different types of micro-moments are:

  • Type 1: Obtaining information via blogs, online articles, or Google Knowledge Graph
  • Type 2: Making decisions via Google Maps, for example
  • Type 3: Performing actions with the help of explanatory videos, tutorials, or manuals
  • Type 4: Making buying decisions

An active SEO campaign is useful here because assuming customers respond to their needs quickly, they of course won’t search long on a search engine, but will use the first search result they see, giving them immediate satisfaction. You can score points here by knowing your customers, understanding and analyzing their usage behavior, and thus tailoring your own offer to the customer. In this way, you get closer to the customer and can also enjoy good reviews along the way.

Last year, 20% of all Google search queries were made via audio and voice search. This is also expected to change positively this year. It is therefore important to land as high as possible in the ranking so that Siri and Alexa answer questions with the company name. For this, position 1 in the ranking alone is no longer enough, but rather position 0 in the form of featured snippets.

Why the demand for audio search is increasing is easy to explain: Audio fits very well into the everyday life of many multitaskers. Often there is not enough time to relax and watch movies or videos, but the desire to do so is still there, of course. In the form of podcasts, the content of a video can be compressed so well that it can be listened to simultaneously while doing other activities. Furthermore, the possibility to listen to audio content is not limited to one location, but it can be accessed from everywhere thanks to apps like Spotify or iTunes. The offline mode feature is also particularly useful and allows listening to content on the go without having a big impact on the storage volume.

January 20, 2020