Are you faced with the challenge of translating your website? Avoid these three mistakes.
- Translate yourself
The first mistake that is often made when translating websites is that the website itself is translated without much language skills. This can result in fatal consequences. If too many translation errors are made, the company’s seriousness can suffer and deter visitors.
Commission a translator who lives where the language is also spoken.
- Work with a monolingual CMS
Website operators often choose a monolingual tool kit with which parts of the website cannot be translated.
We recommend the CMS WordPress to translate your website. With WordPress you can easily install a translation plugin that simply translates parts of the website.
- Don’t pay attention to SEO
The third error when translating websites is that website operators translate their content one to one. The sentences will probably make sense, but your website will probably rank badly. Because: After all, they want to be found!
To set an international SEO strategy, you should set new keywords for every language. A different competition and other search numbers apply to each country.
We are happy to convey the translation for your website. Contact us!