
Why are you clicking on generic search results?

Do you know the difference between organic and generic search results? The generic search results are paid advertisements, which are always at the top. The organic ones, on the other hand, are the results that Google outputs as normal results.

There’s a reason the paid results still get clicked so often. The reason is simple. According to a survey by agency research firm Clutch, very few people know that there is a difference in search results.
75% of people who click on paid search ads think they find information faster and better. Your questions and needs will be answered and satisfied faster.

Certainly an interesting and useful tip for advertisers who operate SEA. But it becomes all the more difficult for SEO to make the organic ads interesting.

But brand identity also has something to do with it. People who already know a brand and have a positive connection with it are more likely to click on the brand’s advertising as well. This illustrates the essential importance of building a brand identity – across all channels.

January 11, 2019