
302 Forwarding

What is a 302 redirect?

A redirect via 302 is used to temporarily redirect a URL. Thus, the 302 redirect is usually used when the content is to be found at another location for a limited period of time. According to the HTTP status, the destination server sends the message: Found (Moved Temporarily).

How are 302 forwarding used on the Internet?

A 302 redirect should really only be used if the redirected URL is a temporary change. For permanent changes, such as switching from http to https or switching to a new domain, you should use 301 redirection instead. In the following scenarios, using a 302 redirect would be appropriate.

The website is unavailable for a certain period of time: Websites are sometimes unavailable due to technical circumstances. For example, this is the case when the website is performing updates or undergoing a server migration. The 302 redirect can be used to redirect users to a special malfunction page, where users will be informed about the current situation.

Redirect for a promotion: If you want to make a temporary promotion for one of your products, it is worth setting up a special landing page for the promotion. In this case, you create this additional landing page so that the ranking of the actual website is not compromised. With the 302 redirect, you can send users from the current product page to the promotion landing page. After the promotion is over, you can easily remove 302 redirect.