
Full text search

With the help of the full-text search, the user receives search engine results that completely match the entered wording. In the usual search, on the other hand, the search engine filters out linking words, articles and special characters. Thus, if the user wants to search for quotes or complete texts, the full-text search makes it possible to find the sequence of words exactly like that. In a full text search, the user has to put the searched words in quotation marks, for example “red silk evening dress”. In that case, all web pages containing the exact phrase “red silk evening dress” will be displayed. Not all search engines are full-text optimized. These search engines would also display web pages that contain the keywords “evening dress” or “silk”, for example. One of the full-text search engines is Google, for example. With the help of the Google bot, new and changed web pages are displayed and up-to-date search results can be guaranteed. In addition to the full-text search, there is also the metasearch. In this case the meta fields of certain documents are searched by a meta search engine. If all meta data is entered completely, in many cases the content of the document can be retrieved by searching the meta title, the meta description and the meta keywords. In addition, the meta search is usually faster than the full text search because it examines a smaller amount of text. On the other hand, the full-text search is more reliable than the meta search, since the documents are evaluated completely. The keyword density including its distribution is calculated, thus the search engine can produce more accurate results. Furthermore, the search results are sorted and the user thus receives the most relevant results first and does not have to work through the search results for a long time. The added value for the user is nowadays more and more in the focus of full-text search engines.