The SEO billboard of a company is probably the most important thing in advertising their own company because it is the first contact between potential customers and the company, plus it also provides the first impression that a potential customer has of the company. Here’s what we mean by a SEO billboard: it’s the search result that is displayed to users when they search for keywords related to the company.
This is why an online presence is particularly important for those who are self-employed and small businesses. Not only does a website’s structure, ease of use, and appeal to users matter, but it’s also important that the website is listed relatively high up among the search results so that it also catches the users’ eye. The secret is to create a perfect combination of web design and SEO aspects. This is important because websites that implement SEO rules will also be listed further up top. Users don’t search for your search result, they take the first best that fits their search query and if in doubt, they are more likely than not to just change their search term.
Essentially, search engine optimization involves a series of technical and editorial techniques to increase the findability of the website. Adjusting a website to the required standards takes a lot of time and is best done by experts. A professional, such as the German company Effektor, can bring your website further up in ranking. Full-service agencies consist of large teams with experts in different fields and are therefore the perfect partner.
It is also particularly important that the website is accessible by mobile devices and is adjusted here as well to allow for an adequate display of the site. Responsive web design also flows into Google’s ranking parameters because it is so important in this day and age. For example, care must then be taken to ensure that the font is enlarged so that it is still readable on a smartphone and that files are a good size to be downloaded quickly and easily on smartphones or tablets.
A good ranking will ensure more visitors and therefore more sales of the products or services offered. Thought needs to be put into a menu with a suitable navigational structure and relevant content that adds value and provides information.
What entrepreneurs need to avoid doing is excelling in only one of the two aspects of design or SEO. In short, combining both aspects is a long-term solution for businesses. Because let’s face it, no one likes to stay on a website that demands minutes of waiting for every mouse click or provides functionless links.