Even though Google’s ranking factors seem to change constantly with each new update, backlinks never diminish in value. They continue to help the algorithm to rank a company’s website. The focus is on the quality of the content that is being linked. This also determines whether another well-known company will decide to put a link to your company on its site or not. The more often your page is linked to, the more popular your links will appear in Google. If your company or your content is linked to on well-known websites that report on similar subject matters to you, this is a signal to Google that you are contributing important and informative content. This in turn leads to increased traffic in the best-case scenario. In this article, we will thus explain how to get backlinks and treat them sustainably.
Before changing anything at all, you should get an up-to-date picture of your own website. The success of outdated external links can be measured with the help of a tool. The tool can also be used regularly in the future to check new external links.
After this, it is of course important to choose websites for the creation of backlinks that report on the same or similar topics and possibly do not serve every single niche and every single keyword in their content. Research cannot be forgone here! It can also be helpful to take a look at your competitors’ websites.
Three factors play a role in the selection process for both your website and the linking website: authority, relevance, and location.
The approach, also called “pitch,” is about putting yourself in the shoes of the linking domain. What makes your content so attractive? Why should the company link to your website in particular? What contribution do you make with your content? Formulate a personalized e-mail to the company.
It may happen that a company only mentions your website and you as the author when using your image or content, but does not actually include the link. In these instances, you can contact the owner in a friendly way and ask for a link.
When creating the backlink, make sure that the link is not set to “nofollow” and that the backlink is built into the body text. To make it appear as prominent as possible, it is best to include backlinks in the first third of a post. The anchor text should refer to the linked content and summarize it as well as possible so that the algorithm can classify the backlink.
Cooperative partnerships should be maintained for the long run. This gives you the opportunity to cooperate with each other in the future.