SEO- So ranken Sie im Neuen Jahr höher!

SEO: How to Rank Better in the New Year! 

The changes within search engine optimization made one thing particularly clear in recent months: the guidelines for SEO experts and website owners have changed significantly. The decisive factor for a high position in the search engine rankings is no longer the number of users who clicked on a website where that search term can be found 33 times, but rather the quality of the content. Google’s goal is to operate as customer-oriented as possible.

Of course, this also means that the customer is offered ideally relevant content for his search term. Metadata and adequate keywords have not gone out of style; they should be used in the creation phase of a website in particular. This way, SEO experts or companies can use local frequently used keywords when creating their websites.

But for now, content is of the highest value when it comes to Google’s rating. This helps Google to serve its goal of customer orientation. In addition to the content, customers by nature also want to know exactly who is behind the company, i.e. with whom he is dealing.

The image of a company, including its authority, seems to play an increasingly important role for users. Bing, for example, had added a company’s authority to the criteria for a good website. So at least one thing has not changed, and that is the competition among companies for the best position in search engine rankings.

In order to get a good rating on search engines, different factors play a role. Since the main focus is mainly on content, it is important to put resources into creating relevant and customer-oriented content. It is also important that the content is particularly appealing and that the user actually already knows what to expect from the article based on the title. The length of the content should also be succinct. It is best to assume that users do not have much time, so their attention should also be piqued within the first sentences on the page. If the content is then shared, liked, re-blogged/re-tweeted, this benefits customers. Also, the so-called social signs, including all “visible” user reactions to the content, flow into the evaluation of the search engines. In addition, they also naturally increase the brand recognition of the company, since the content reaches a larger target group more quickly. The better known the website is, the higher the trust of the customers in the company.

But how do you create high-quality content?

The most important factor is the time spent planning and writing the content. The greater your own interest in the topic you choose, the more this will show in your content. You should also keep an eye on the competition to avoid overlap. Try to be as original as possible – after, all you want to show your customer what makes you different from the others and why they should choose your website, your products, and your services.

However, an interesting article begins with the details, like spelling, wording, and organization. What do you want to achieve with your post? On what level would you like to communicate with your customers?

The last point applies to social media: which platforms suit your business? How do you want to connect with your customers? You do not have to be online for your different accounts around the clock; it’s enough for customers that you interact regularly and can also assist the customer and answer their questions.

The changes made by this major search engine at least make sense. Those who have the interests of the target group in mind and put their heart into their work will be rewarded.

February 27, 2020