
Google Keywordplaner

The Keywordplanner is a tool from Google AdWords. With this tool keyword research can be performed. The goal of the keyword is to find keywords for optimization or for placing ads.

The keyword planner creates a list of relevant keywords. To do this, a keyword is entered into the planner’s mask, then the keyword planner program displays all keyword suggestions that are related to the main keyword. With the help of the keyword planner important information about the search and the SEO market can be collected. For each individual keyword, the search volume is displayed. Also the information about the competition in the context of the topic keywords can be explored by the keyword planner. For this purpose, the level of CPCs (cost-per-click) is also determined. Search engine optimizers can enter up to 1,000 keywords with the keyword planner and with a CVS update a further variety of keywords is possible.