
Meta Description

A meta description is a summary description of the contents of a web page. It is displayed in the search results as a “snippet”, i.e. a short text excerpt. A meta description is used as soon as a user performs a search. In the search results, the user then sees the title, URL and meta description of the website’s content. Here it is important that the summary description of the content of the website is exciting and aptly written, so that it attracts the user to the website. Sometimes it happens that there is no summary of the website content. In such cases, search engines use the first lines of the content of a web page to use it as a Meta Description.

The meta description, which is displayed as a snippet in the search results, may only have a length of 155-160 characters including spaces. For search engines, meta descriptions are easy to recognize due to their appearance and description in the head area of the source code of a web page, so that they are also displayed correctly in the search results.