
11 Design Trends to Give Your Email Marketing a Fresh New Look

If you’re sick of your current email marketing design, this week’s post will give you some new inspiration and tools to ring in the spring of 2021 with a fresh new design for the scheduled campaigns. We recommend choosing a design that fits your industry and your business.

Bold Typography: Change can be achieved by taking small steps, such as changing the font. Bold font attracts your readers’ attention.

Dark Mode: In the past year, dark mode had been implemented on smartphones. As a result, one of the latest updates on Apple devices, for example, allows users the option to choose between light and dark modes. The design focus of your website, emails, etc. should therefore be compatible in both lightness directions, especially since dark mode is more popular and is being used more and more often.

Gradients: Aesthetic color gradients are growing in popularity. Not only does it make a design look more high-quality, but it’s also more pleasing to the eye. Instagram uses gradients in its logo, for example.

Emotional design: It’s important to also not forget who your email is aimed at – people, of course! Interacting with customers correctly ensures that they feel good. To achieve good conversion rates, it is therefore important to invoke positive emotions such as the feeling of belonging, trust, or optimism.

Neumorphism: Neumorphism means referencing the old in new things, for example with old designs, since these bring out a kind of nostalgia in us. Think of shading in objects, for example.

2D images: 2D images that can be positioned behind text are also enjoying a comeback. We’ve probably all had our fill of stock images for the time being.

3-Dimensional Images: Additionally, 3D images can also be used in designs. The creation is of course more complex, but your efforts should pay off here.

Phantasmagoric Collage: Those who are daring can be brave and create photo collages. But remember that the dose makes the poison – when used correctly, however, photo collages give readers and visitors something interesting to look at.

Muted colors: Colors chosen can also convey feelings. Muted colors suggest security and well-being, which are important values for companies.

Monochrome layout: Monochrome means deciding on one color scheme and then sticking to it. Minimalist splashes of color are also very popular.

Illustrated Animations: Here, too, the same rule applies as for collages – less is more, but using one will be a real eye-catcher.

March 5, 2021