
Hello Mobile Index Google replaces the desktop index

That Google’s main focus is now on the mobile business was clear at the latest since Mobilegeddon 2 (effektor reported) klar.

Now the search engine giant takes the next step towards mobile – and this time it is a big step. As Internet World reported, Google announced at Pubcon in Las Vegas that the mobile index will replace the desktop index as the main index.

What does this mean in concrete terms?
It means that in the future Google will consider the mobile version of a website first, while the desktop version will slip into the background. This does not mean that the desktop index will disappear, it is just no longer as relevant as the mobile index.

So for the field of SEO, it now explicitly suggests that mobile SEO will become mandatory, even if the main traffic is still generated via the desktop version.

SEO business consultant Hanns Kronenberg of Sistrix advises the following points to consider:

  • Can the website be used at all with the help of a smartphone?
  • Can the mobile website be crawled by Google without difficulty?
  • Is all relevant information also available on the mobile version?
  • Is the website content presented in a mobile way?
  • Can Google capture a link between the mobile index and the desktop index?

But don’t panic before it even starts. After all, it has not yet been determined from which point in time the mobile index will be preferred to the desktop index.

Until then, we can recommend the preparation tool prepared by Google. With the help of this tool you can find out how well your website is optimized for mobile devices.

However, it can already be said in advance that websites in Responsive Design are clearly at an advantage.

October 26, 2016