
Indicator system in SEO

Only a few years ago, the top ranking of the search engines was a simple, well thought-out system made up of links, page content and the page structure. Today, the success of a site is determined by its users. User behavior is crucial.

KPI systems can be helpful here. To do this, it is necessary to determine which goals a website is pursuing. Because without these goals, suitable KPIs cannot be achieved in the first place. KPIs measure the approach to a company’s goal. When selling large and expensive goods, for example, contact with the manufacturer is very important. The goal here can be to generate qualified leads.

However, websites and companies usually pursue more than just one goal, which is why several KPIs have to be generated. It should be noted that KPIs are relatively complex systems. Data must be collected precisely beforehand in order to avoid inaccurate measurements in route guidance. The KPIs are rather unsuitable here. When it comes to the goal of increasing a brand’s profits, KPIs cannot provide information for optimization. They only reflect yesterday’s behavior. For this reason, further key figures must be added in order to get closer to the goal.

What the KPIs can show, on the other hand, are the most important key figures for SEO. This includes page views, sales and newsletter signups. The success of a company can be measured here.

Viewability metrics providers provide a tool to look over time and compare to the competition. Various tool providers also offer an overview of the links on their own website. For Google, these must be of good quality and lead to where the user would like to go. Links with a large number of clicks indicate high quality.

The website structure also has an impact on SEO success. The number of indexed pages leads to the success factor. User behavior depends, for example, on how well the page title and snippet match the search query. It is important to determine whether the user has found what he was looking for on the visited page.

In order to anticipate Google’s challenges for success with the search engine, it is important to deal with the SEO key figure system. SEO teams can derive important figures in no time at all in order to conclude a suitable measure.

May 21, 2019